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All posts by Michelle Han-Taylor

6 Min
CTO Recruitment: What To Look For & How To Hire Your Tech Leader Hiring a CTO can be one of the most important decisions you make for your company's future. However, by optimizing your recruitment and screening …
business man leaning against table while smiling and looking into distance
6 Min
The 8 Best Tech Talent Recruitment Strategies & Tips Despite recent tech layoffs, the very best tech and software talent is still in high demand. One reason being the incredibly unique and valuable …
woman leaning over desk smiling and leading a meeting with man looking at her
7 Min
Technical Recruiting: Definition, Cheat Sheet, and Tips for Success While there have been numerous tech layoffs, the demand for top talent remains fierce — which Gartner predicts will be the case until at least 2026. …
man in interviewing shaking hand of person in foreground
5 Min
Fintech Recruiting: What It Is + How To Find the Right Fintech Hire Despite recent tech layoffs, top-tier tech and engineering roles are and continue to be in high demand. In fact, the financial technology (fintech) …
man sitting at desk working on an open laptop
5 Min
How To Conduct a Successful CEO Search: 7 Best Practices To Follow CEOs have the potential to profoundly impact the organizations they lead. In fact, CEO performance can predict up to 40% of business outcomes, …
woman with glasses leaning against wall with arms crossed
11 Min
A Complete List of Leadership Book Recommendations for Women, by Women Today, more and more leadership books written by women earn their rightful spots on bestseller lists. And with good reason.
6 Min
8 Essential Recruiting Tools and Resources for 2023 80% of employers say they anticipate the ongoing talent shortage to continue throughout 2023. Up against factors like the skills gap, the Great …
man and woman talking in office with sunlight shining between them
8 Min
Recruiting Email Templates: What To Include and 6 Great Options Did you know that the average person gets around 121 emails per day? For recruiters, email is an essential tool for connecting with job candidates …
woman smiling and typing up an email on laptop
4 Min
5 Best Recruitment Agencies in Chicago If you're a Chicago-based business looking for high-quality candidates to fill your open positions, you're in luck. There are several award-winning …
recruitment agencies in Chicago
6 Min
How To Optimize Your CEO Recruiting Process When your company has job openings, it's all about finding quality candidates to fill those positions quickly.
ceo recruiting featured image
4 Min
Cost per Hire: Formula, Significance, and More There are many costs associated with bringing in a new employee. These costs can fluctuate based on whether you handle recruiting internally, rely on …
woman working on a laptop
6 Min
Top 20 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and Answers Every hiring manager brings their own set of interview questions to the table. But when you’re interviewing for a highly specialized role such as a …
reviewing interview questions

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