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2025 AI Plans? Not So Fast. Here's How To Find the Right Talent First

Michelle Han-Taylor
6 min read

Hunt Club branded banner of Jonathan Ozeran, his headshot, and logos of companies

Identifying AI talent today feels a lot like catching lightning in a bottle...

The rapid pace of innovation means skills that were cutting-edge a year ago may already be obsolete, while new tech breakthroughs emerge almost every day, rendering the true distinction between genuine mastery and surface-level knowledge so much harder to assess.

This is something Jonathan Ozeran, a seasoned expert with over 15 years of experience in product management, software engineering, and AI, knows all too well. At the forefront of a changing discipline and building AI teams of his own, Ozeran has seen firsthand the growing gaps between AI talent and successfully executing AI strategies org-wide.

Other companies are feeling this, too. As we approach a new year, many companies are brimming with ambition, ready to execute new and exciting initiatives that promise to redefine their futures. At the top of the functions ushering in these new initiatives are none other than technology/product and engineering teams.  In fact, according to Hunt Club’s recent marketing survey, tech/product/engineering teams are the #1 functions leaders foresee changing the most regarding budget, structure, and headcount in order to drive effective execution and business transformation. 

Hear From Real Leaders From Our Market Survey…

“The most significant transformation my company is undergoing is the implementation of artificial intelligence.”

Sr. HR Manager at a Mature Enterprise

“Integrating artificial intelligence into all of systems, especially our sales and marketing initiatives.”

VP at an Early-Stage Startup

“We are making major technology transformations, investing heavily in artificial intelligence”

C-Level Leader at a High-Growth Startup


While this is true, there still remains the fact that 61% of organizations report they do NOT have the right executive talent to effectively steer the ship for change, especially when it comes to nuanced and unchartered territory such as AI. As such, it’s a particularly tough challenge to understand AI talent, the way they think, and how to build a team around such a specialized and evolving field.

To shed light on how to identify and attract the right AI talent, we turned to Ozeran. Now, as the Vice President of Generative AI and Head of Tempus One at Tempus AI, Ozeran is at the forefront of this technological revolution, eager to share his insights on the skills that truly matter and how organizations can draw in the talent they need to thrive.


“To implement AI in a way that makes real impact, versus just doing it because everyone else is, you have to start with the problem, not the technology.

AI is a powerful tool, but it’s essential to identify the specific challenges where it can drive real value. 

Invest in core capabilities that can scale across various areas of the business, and focus on measuring the tangible impact AI solutions have on outcomes.”

Jonathan Ozeran, VP of Generative AI at Tempus



Top 3 Must-Have Skills AI Talent Needs To Drive Impact and Transformation


Small orange icon of a brain with "AI" in the center1. The Nitty-Gritty Know-How

The first non-negotiable skill Ozeran tells us all AI talent must have is the technical know-how. “AI candidates need deep technical expertise in AI as well as adjacent fields like data science, software engineering, and cloud infrastructure,” shares Ozeran. 

He expresses that these days, it’s not enough to just tinker with tools and dabble with AI platforms—AI talent must be experts and have the raw skills to build scalable systems that fuel business transformation. 

TLDR? Don’t let AI become another business buzzword with no teeth. Get talent with the real know-how.

Small orange icon of two people thinking and a lightbulb in between them

2. Curiosity, Curiosity, and ….

More curiosity. Top AI talent knows that what works today could be outdated tomorrow. To stay ahead of the curve (or even just to keep up), they have to prioritize continuous learning and naturally exhibit a relentless curiosity. Your AI talent should be jumping at every chance to explore new territory and look under the hood of complex problems. 

Ozeran shares, “The best AI talent has a mindset of continuous learning. These are deeply curious individuals who tend to stay ahead of emerging technologies and mentor their teams effectively.” Stagnation can make or break a company’s vision and 2025 plans. When that’s the case, Ozeran expresses that curiosity alone can be the answer.

orange circle cross communication

3. Natural Leadership & Communication That Doesn’t Get Lost in Translation

Not everybody would think AI talent needs to be natural leaders and communicators just due to the nature of their technical, heads-down work. But as Ozeran shares, these skills are a must-have, especially for our more technical leaders. “Strong leadership and communication skills, particularly in translating complex AI concepts to non-technical stakeholders, is what separates good AI talent from exceptional AI talent,” says Ozeran.

Without natural leadership and excellent communication skills, even the brightest minds risk their innovations being lost in translation. If AI leaders can’t articulate their vision or inspire collaboration, their ideas may never see the light of day, risking your organization’s big 2025 plans and AI strategy. 


Top AI Talent Not Looking Your Way? Change That With 4 Quick Strategies To Attract the Best

It’s one thing to know what you’re looking for in AI talent, and a wholly other to know how exactly to speak their language and attract them. Our in-house search practice lead for Engineering/Tech, Kan Ta, recently shared, “It’s easy to get talent into our funnel, just post any job opening. The difficulty of our job is in sifting out an incredibly specific signal from all the noise, and connecting with the very few who are actually qualified.” 

To better understand the way AI talent evaluates opportunities and help your org determine the best way to reach the right leadership, Ozeran shares four key strategies.

1. Provide Purpose AND the Paycheck

One of the first ways Ozeran suggests can attract top AI talent is to focus on building a mission-driven environment where he says “AI talent can work on meaningful and impactful problems.”  

Because top AI talent is in such high demand, and because their skills are so specialized and hard to come by, they’re more likely to be flooded with opportunities. As this is the case, they might have their choice of where to devote their time and skills, and are more apt to seek real purpose instead of just a paycheck. 

Ask yourself: Is your workplace merely a job for them? Or is it a place for real change where top minds in AI can come in and build something great?

2. AI Talent Are Natural Builders — Leverage This Quality About Them

When AI professionals see a pathway for growth and the chance to work on the latest technologies, they are more likely to choose your organization over competitors who fail to prioritize their learning and development. They want to go somewhere where they can see themselves growing, building, and evolving. This is evident in their very vocation. Act on this.

As Ozeran tells us, “Continuous learning opportunities, challenging projects, and exposure to cutting-edge technologies are key to accelerating growth and keeping talent engaged.”

3. Be Transparent and Share the Ugly Bits (No, Actually)

“Strive to foster transparency about the company’s overall strategy and build a culture of collaboration,” says Ozeran. Top AI talent is drawn to organizations where they can see or envision how their work directly impacts the bigger picture. Transparency around the company’s vision, priorities, and goals creates a sense of purpose, which is crucial for attracting professionals in such a fast-evolving field where they can feel free-floating at times.

So don’t just think in platitudes, but be actually transparent. This means openly talking about your organization’s mission, goals, progress, failures, and how AI talent is contributing the moving the needle or fixing any problems collaboratively

4. Stop and Smell the Roses (And Celebrate Successes)

Sometimes, we really do just need a pat on the back and a reminder to look up from our desks.

Ozeran shares the importance of taking a moment to celebrate success, both on an individual level and on a team level. When everyone’s working toward a big, shared goal, it’s easy to forget to stop and celebrate the wins. This is especially true in an AI, tech, or engineering team, where individuals are building and innovating at a breakneck pace. 

However, recognizing even the small wins, like solving complex technical challenges or improving algorithms, reinforces a culture of continuous progress and motivation — and according to Ozeran, can make all the difference for top candidates who are looking to be a part of this.


The Real Question Isn’t If You’re Ready for AI in 2025, But If You Have the Right Talent To Drive the Strategy

AI ambitions mean nothing without the right talent behind them. As companies plan for 2025, the real challenge is more than just preparing to implement AI—it’s ensuring you have the right leaders and teams who can execute the vision. 


Jonathan Ozeran Out Of Office

🤖 The AI innovation I wish existed: A universal, real-time AI-powered personal assistant

🎞️ If I could live in any fictional universe, it would be: The Matrix

📱 The most used app on my phone is: Slack

⛷️ The one hobby I've always wanted to try but haven't yet is: Skiing

📙 The current book on my nightstand is: "AI 2041: Ten Visions For Our Future", by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan. It's an interesting collection of illustrations depicting how AI may shape the world in the coming decades. 



Learn More About How Jonathan Ozeran Can Help You Build the Right Hiring Strategy For Your 2025 AI Goals

Jonathan Ozeran is a seasoned expert with over 15 years of experience in product management, AI, and software engineering. He is part of the Hunt Club ExpertAccess Program, which puts first-string operators in your back pocket for all things talent so you can hire better, smarter, and faster. 

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